"Look how great is our GOD that every detail of us has a purpose. Even how we are created OH how Great is our GOD . . ."

Outline of Endocrine Glands

*** Brain Storming *** label the following:

a. Pineal gland

b. Pituitary gland

c. Thyroid gland

d. Thymus

e. Adrenal gland

f. Pancreas

g. Ovary(female)

h. Testes (male)

picture by:http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/d/da/Illu_endocrine_system.png

The following are the Major Endocrine glands

>Pineal gland,Pituitary gland, Thyroid gland, thymus, Adrenal glands, Pancreas, hypothalamus, ovary found in female and testes found in male...


Adrenal gland - seen to be lies superior on each kidney, hormone produces steroid hormone and sex gland . . .

Pineal gland - this gland is located in our diencephalon. the hormone produced in this gland is melatonin. . .

Pituitary gland - this gland is normally found hang from the base of our brain.Most common Hormone produced growth hormone. . . pituitary gland can be anterior pituitary that produce (TSH) thyroid stimulating hormone, (FSH) Follicle Stimilating hormone and (PRL) prolactin

the other subdivision is neural portion called posterior pituitary,hormone produced oxytocin and (ADH) antidiuretic hormone.

Pancreas - can be found in abdomen which is close to the stomach. it releases hormones such as insulin, somatostatin and glucagon. . . it may also release small amount of blood hormones. . .

Thyroid - found in the anterior throat, the hormones produced thyroxine (T4) and triiodothyronine (T3) ...

Parathyroid - this gland is located at the dorsal aspect of thyroid gland. it secretion is concern to parathyroid hormone . . .

Hypothalamus - this gland is can be seen below the thalamus above the brain stem. . . it secrete the hormone of neurohormones or also known as hypothalamic releasing hormone, it produces also Corticothropin releasing hormone ( CRH) and Gonadothropin releasing hormone (GnRH). . .


  • ovary in the female and can be found at the pelvic cavity, the two hormones that it produced are estrogen and progesterone . . .
  • then in male the gonad is the testes, testes produced the hormone of testosterone . ..

endocrinology, toxicology and drug testing

^problem with hormones? ? ?

- - -Endocrinology is the answer, because it's specialty is dealing with disorders in endocrine system and it's specific secretion hormones known as to be hormones. Glands are also belong to endocrinology.

^deseases associated with endocrine are called hormonal imbalance or in medical term was said to be endocrinopahthy.

^hormones have different Chemical Classes
>amines - derived from single amino acid.
> peptide and protein - consist of 2 to more than 200 amino acids.
> steroid - converted from cholesterol.

TOXIC . . . this term was not only used by Med tech. student.. :)

but also use in toxicololgy, toxic is from the Greek word toicos which means "poisonous".
Toxicology study about the adverse effect of chemical on living organism specially in humans... it also study the nature, symptoms, treatments, mechanism and detection of poisoning in the living organisms...

^ most known Chemical which are poisonous
- lead
- mercury
- chlorine
*the greater the dose, the more response will be.

Drug testing it is a technical analysis of a biological specimen 'can be in urine, sweat, blood, hair and other oral fluid'...
it determine the presence or absence of some drugs and their metabolites...
commonly use specimen urine..